The snap of a point underground is not a sound one forgets readily. The bowstring releases, the arrow files...the sound of stone in sand, and then, just...a quick grinding sound that instantly takes away an afternoon's worth of work. The rabbit scurries away and the implement of death becomes something of a joke, a crooked twig in the sand. All the potential energy that flexed the arrow through flight has spiraled its way onto a terrific failure, a broken point, a crooked shaft, missed food.
So did a new environment create a change in point morphology? You bet it did. But not just in point shape, but in hafting approach and arrow length as well. The stony, root-thick ground prompted a shift to shorter, sturdier points with barbs towards the back, deeper notches and sturdier wrapping. I made triangular points with concave bases such that there was no base to snap. I applied a healthy dose of pine pitch glue while letting the concavity of the hollowed out triangle let barbs stick out. After this I had no more point snaps in the thick roots and brambles. I secured the point with deer sinew for extra measure. This was my approach to hunting East TX rabbits. The method offered an arrow that could be used over and over again without fear of breakage, the little buggers are indestructible!
I'll be using small, thick side notch points and V-shaped points for hunting small game from now on, it works for me. My technological approach for hunting small game in East TX went from long points (see Straiten up and fly right) towards shorter, sturdier points with more pitch and deeper notches. So yes, changing environments and new species can prompt changes in point morphology. This case is an example of environmental or "individual learning". Successful approaches such as these were communicated rapidly between peers though horizontal transmission and were also transmitted vertically via traditional parent offspring teaching.
While I didn't end up with any rabbits in the freezer, I did come away with a few valuable lessons from the trip. Thanks for coming along and cheers.
Coming up next!!!
Nordic wood stoves...YUP!